Heather and the girls, a few weeks before Josie's birth. With such beauty, why not add another?

Long labor (almost 12 hours) and a natural childbirth completely wore out mom and baby (and me, but to a lesser degree). What an intense, almost surreal, experience!
Letting Josie know she is loved by God and by her parents.
Well hello, rosebud!
The Galat kids first meeting of Josie.
Jeremiah with grandpas x 2.
Emma and Josie.
Claire and Josie.
Levi and Josie.
Grandmas x 2
Going home outfit, replete with clip-on bow.
Josie's first passport photo (taken at 2 days old!). We are leaving for Kenya in just 6 short weeks as a family, to continue the work God has called us to at Tenwek.
Thank you for all the love, prayers and support you have given our family!
Congratulations to the entire Galat family! May God continue to bless you all. Thanks so much for living your lives in such a positive Christian model.
Congratulations!! Such a beautiful little addition to your family. We'll be praying for you as you transition back to Tenwek!
Congratulations on another precious child! Thank you for sharing how the Lord brought her into the world; His perfect timing!
Congratulations Galats! She is beautiful! Wishing you safe travels on your journey back to Kenya with your new addition!
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